ABOUT US MyCityDilse
Hello friends
The purpose of creating MyCityDilse news web portal is that we can show all the social, religious and any kind of news happening in the society to everyone on a single platform.
Apart from this, you can also read news related to India and abroad, news related to business, health, beauty, food, treasure and tourism on MyCityDilse.
From time to time, MyCityDilse will also organize many competitions through this. The events taking place in the society will also be shown live so that everyone can watch the events on the same portal.
I hope so. that we will continue to get support from all of you
ABOUT US MyCityDilse
नमस्कार मित्रो
MyCityDilse न्यूज वेब पोर्टल बनाने का उद्देश्य यही है कि समाज मे होने वाले सभी सामाजिक , धार्मिक व किसी भी प्रकार की खबरों को हम एक ही प्लेटफार्म पर सभी को दिखा सके ।
इसके इलावा MyCityDilse पर आप देश- विदेश की खबरे, बिजनेस से जुड़ी खबरे, सेहत,ब्यूटी, खाना खजाना, पर्यटन से जुड़ी खबरों को भी पढ़ सकते है
समय समय पर MyCityDilse द्वारा बहुत सी प्रतियोगिताएं भी इसी के माध्यम से करवाई जाएगी। समाज मे होने वाले कार्यकर्मो को लाइव के माध्यम से भी दिखाया जाएगा ताकि सभी लोग कार्यकर्म को एक ही पोर्टल पर देख सके ।
उम्मीद करता हु। कि आप सबका सहयोग मिलता रहेगा
About Us !
Welcome To MyCity Dilse
MyCity Dilse is a Professional news Platform. Here we will only provide you with interesting content that you will enjoy very much. We are committed to providing you the best of news, with a focus on reliability and The purpose of creating MyCityDilse news web portal is that we can show all the social, religious and any kind of news happening in the society to everyone on a single platform. Apart from this, you can also read news related to India and abroad, news related to business, health, beauty, food, treasure and tourism on MyCityDilse. From time to time, MyCityDilse will also organize many competitions through this. The events taking place in the society will also be shown live so that everyone can watch the events on the same portal. I hope so. that we will continue to get support from all of you. we strive to turn our passion for news into a thriving website. We hope you enjoy our news as much as we enjoy giving them to you.
I will keep on posting such valuable anf knowledgeable information on my Website for all of you. Your love and support matters a lot.
Thank you For Visiting Our Site
Have a great day !